Monday, April 27, 2015

35 Benefits Of Dayak Onions

Dayak onions is one of the species of onion from America. Dayak onions usually grow in mountainous regions. Dayak onion grows in open areas with moist soils and lots of humus. On Dayak onions, the plant won't be matter is planted. Dayak onions grow wild in the forests during the day is dark with white flowers was five. Dayak chives shaped Ribbon with a length between 15 – 20 cm and width of 3 – 5 cm as well as similar to Palm plant. Dayak onions have long leaves and grooved similar to Orchid soil. Egg-shaped bulbs, red colored and does not smell.

dayak onions

Dayak onions have many types with various types and shapes just like onion or garlic and a variety of other onions. The specific feature of this plant is the tuber crops are red light up with a very slick surface.

dayak onions
Dayak onions have layout leaves are paired with double-finned leaves. This plant has Type of bone leaves consists the leaves parallel to the edges of the leaves are slippery and forms a ribbon-like leaves. In addition to being used as a medicinal plant this plant also is used as an ornamental plant because its flowers are beautiful. Dayak onions have a good adaptability, it can grow in many different types of climate and soil type.
Dayak onions can also be harvested in a short time, so that the plant can be easily developed for the benefit of the industry.

dayak onions
Dayak onion bulbs contains some phytochemical compounds phenolic glycosides, namely, tannin, Keloids, steroids, and flavonoids. Alkaloids are organic substances containing nitrogen heterocyclic as part of. Even compounds, flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, and activity-lowering blood glucose levels that are very beneficial to cope with diabetes mellitus, and alkaloids that can serve as a microbes. While the content of tannins that is can be used as a pain medication stomach.

dayak onions
Many diseases that can be treated by Dayak onions among other things:

  1. Drug vomiting
  2. Drug urinary laxative
  3. Drug jaundice and sex
  4. Laxatives
  5. All types of cancer and tumors (cysts, breast cancer, uterine cancer, lymph node cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer)
  6. Asthma,
  7. TB,
  8. Migraine,
  9. Hemorrhoid,
  10. Vertigo,
  11. Tonsils,
  12. Inflammatory Bowel,
  13. Ulcer,
  14. Prostate
  15.  Kidney,
  16. Diabetes
  17. Hypertension / High Blood
  18. Gout
  19. Epilepsy
  20. Low Blood
  21. Indigestion stomach
  22. Mumps
  23. Cholesterol
  24. Bronchitis
  25. Sexual harassment / Vitality
  26. Stamina
  27. Whitish
  28. Stroke
  29. Pain
  30. Heart,
  31. Insomnia,
  32. Hepatitis,
  33. Forgetfulness and decreased memory function
  34. Rheumatism
  35. All chronic diseases and related to Blood.

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